When another Limousine service request to be our Affiliate we will need to put them in our system as a customer.
There are two ways to create the account.
Open a new reservation, Click on New Customer
Next, Click on the green arrow.
Go to the Customers & Corp Clients Tab. Make sure you are under the Customer & Corporate Accounts tab. Next, Click on Add at the bottom right-hand corner.
Whichever way you to choose the Rest of the steps will apply to both ways.
This is the Pop Screen before we put in any information.
General Tab Please ensure that the following are inputted
- The Name of the Company will be put in the Last Name Field
- Check the box next to The customer is an Affiliate.
- Choose Default Affiliate Pricing for the Pricing Plan.
- We will need them to have a credit card on file. Choose Take No Action in the drop down for the Create Invoice Action.
- Insert the following in the preference field:
Affiliate - do not discuss price with pax, represent affiliate at all times, use affiliate or blank name sign. Call Dispatch with any issues.
Now we will need to set up the 10% discount